Every marriage relationship can use a fresh start – a process of improving, repairing, or making it more successful. It’s a freshening up your relationship.

It’s easy to slip into bad habits … perhaps not giving your marriage the time or attention it requires. It is not uncommon to get busy with work, family and other outside obligations. Before you know it, your relationship is shoved a notch or two down the priority list. Or, in some cases, totally ignored. Over time you get used to the status quo until one morning you wake up and the spark is gone… or at least hidden from view.

Many people feel that a good relationship should not require work. It should simply be. This is not true!

Relationships require attention, much the same as a beautiful garden.

  • Untended, a garden can quickly become full of weeds and insects.
  • With a little attention, it can once again be beautiful and flourish.

Our relationships are no different. That’s why I developed this simple but powerful marriage course for couples.

The need for a fresh start does not mean your marriage is over.

My Fresh Start Marriage Course will help you renew and refresh your marriage by giving it some positive attention.

The Fresh Start Marriage Course includes…

The Fresh Start Marriage Course covers four essential elements of a great marriage relationship.

Launching in 2020

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