Before You Marry Coaching

Preparing for a strong and passionate marriage is one of the most important things you’ll ever do.

How do you know if you are ready for marriage?  How do you know if the person you are dating is the right person?  Premarital coaching is a great place to help answer those questions and more as you prepare yourselves for the wonderful adventure of marriage!

The Before You Marry coaching program is designed for couples who are engaged to be married, or who are dating and considering marriage together.  It will help you better understand the patterns, habits, and values you both bring to the marriage.

Does premarriage coaching work? Absolutely! Research conclusively shows that couples who build lasting marriages, gain the knowledge and tools they need before they settle into destructive patterns that often lead to divorce.

Premarriage education is associated with higher levels of marital satisfaction, lower levels of destructive conflicts, and higher levels of commitment. It also helps a couple make the final decision to marry.

I use the SYMBIS premarital assessment as a foundation for coaching couples. This assessment is based on a wide range of research covering nearly two dozen dimensions related to healthy marriage relationships.

Choose to Build a Great Marriage

Why not launch your marriage with every possible advantage? Gain insights and unlock proven strategies for lifelong love.

Marriage is much bigger than just a ceremony. It is the beginning of a lifetime commitment and the initiation of a unique covenant relationship between you and God.

As a pastor and marriage coach for more than 45 years, I have helped hundreds of couples start their journey of lifelong love. It would be my joy to walk you through God’s words of promise, encouragement, and caution on the subject and equip you with practical tools that will help you build a solid foundation for building a dynamic and lasting relationship with your mate.

My Before You Marry coaching plan helps engaged and seriously dating couples improve their ability to communicate, set realistic expectations for marriage, develop conflict-resolution skills, and make the final decision to marry.

The next step? Click on the contact button to let me know about your interest. I will schedule a complimentary session to answer any questions you may have and discuss in more detail how the Before You Marry coaching program can benefit your relationship.

The Before You Marry coaching program involves completing the SYMBIS Assessment, meeting online (via Zoom) or in-person over six sessions of 60-90 minutes in length, and completing discussion assignments between sessions. Our sessions together can be scheduled weekly or every other week.

During each session, sections of the assessment report will be reviewed and discussed and provide further education, skills-building, and practice. Reading and discussion questions will be assigned between sessions to enhance your experience.

The coaching fee is $600 per couple and includes the six live online or in-person coaching sessions, the SYMBIS Assessment, and a couple of books. There are two payment options:

  • Option #1:  Pay the fee in full before the first session and receive a 10% discount.
  • Option #2:  Pay 50% before the first session, and the balance will be billed over three monthly payments.

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

Genesis 2:24

“There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.”

Martin Luther

“Research shows that couples who receive premarital counseling have a thirty percent lower divorce rate than couples who do not receive any.”

Scott Stanley, The Marriage Project